The NEC is coming to town! Read all about it!

The national executive council (NEC) of Editors Canada meets quarterly. They try to move around the country to connect with different branches and twigs. March 2 to 4, 2018, they are coming to Halifax for the second time (last time was in 2013).

You can join them in a variety of ways …


Editors Nova Scotia will be taking advantage of the expertise coming to town by having a workshop with Carolyn Brown. More details to follow.

Friday evening, join the NEC for drinks at Roy’s Lounge in the Westin Nova Scotian and ask them anything.

Saturday and Sunday

Any member of Editors Canada is welcome to attend the quarterly meetings. Come and listen and watch the magic happen.

Saturday evening

Join the NEC for dinner to chat about life, Editors Canada, and how great Halifax is.

For details on any of these events, please email us.