Inexplicably, given the lack of activity, April seems to have flown by!
• Halifax-area editors met virtually via Zoom on April 6, while the Wolfville Editors’ Bunch held their regular monthly lunch (via Zoom) on Wednesday, April 15.
• Branches and twigs met online on April 18. We’ll need to submit a budget request for the twig, based on our last few years’ expenditures and what we think we’ll need over the next year for any planned activities.
• Keep an eye out for announcements regarding lunch meetings in your email (check your spam folder) and on our Facebook page (Editors in the Maritimes).
Beginning May 4, Nicole Watkins-Campbell is offering Editing for Plainer Legal Writing online through Interested folks can register now at
Coming up
• Halifax editors will hold their regular lunch meeting (via Zoom) on Monday, May 11 rather than May 4.
• Editors Canada is offering a webinar, With Your Consent: The Unruly Realm of Copyright and Permissions, on Thursday, May 14. Check it out here:
• The Wolfville Editors’ Bunch will be holding their regular monthly lunch (via Zoom) on Wednesday, May 20.
• Our twig AGM has been re-scheduled for Saturday, May 30, so please plan to attend. That will be a Zoom meeting, as well, so watch for the invitation coming your way soon.
• The Editors Canada national AGM is scheduled for Saturday, June 20.
• National is seeking committee chairs and NEC directors. Anyone interested in these positions can contact Gael Spivak, who’s head of the nominating committee, at Anyone who’s interested in joining a committee or volunteering in other ways should contact Patricia MacDonald at
Submitted by twig co-coordinators Margo Grant and Jamie Serran