Twig Talk – June 2020

Editors Canada AGM
• This meeting was held on Saturday, June 20. It was conducted as a webinar and approximately 80 people attended. Minutes of the meeting will be posted on the Editors Canada website once they’re approved. Treasurer Michelle Weitzman’s slides may be included in this.
• Our own Alexandra Peace was awarded the Lee d’Anjou Volunteer of the Year! Alex’s many contributions include serving as national recording secretary for five years and as superb co-coordinator of the Nova Scotia twig. Nicole Watkins-Campbell will take on the role of recording secretary and Patricia MacDonald will continue as coordinator of volunteers.

New regional director
• This person-to-be-named will oversee all branches and twigs and will be replacing the two regional directors we have at present. Anne Curry has been eastern region rep—many thanks to Anne for her excellent, helpful service!

Conference refunds
• If you registered for the national conference, which was to have been held in Montreal this month and was COVID-cancelled, you may be wondering about a refund of your fee. Refunding has been a gradual process because of the cash flow situation in the national office. All refunds have been made now, except for those who paid by cheque. If you did not pay by cheque and have not received your refund, please contact executive director Natasha Bood at
• The 2021 conference is planned for Edmonton. Fingers crossed!

Local news
• Wolfville Editors’ Bunch held a their monthly meeting on Monday, June 22, via Zoom; the general twig monthly meeting was Saturday, June 27.
• PRO TIP: Shelley Egan mentioned that there is a sub-Reddit for grammar, which she finds really handy. You simply set up an account with Reddit and subscribe to the sub-edit.
• The art of the query also came up in conversation. Here’s a good blog post on that:

Coming up
• Editors Canada is offering a webinar, Choices Matter: Language in the 21st Century with Rhonda Kronyk on Thursday, July 9.
• Becky and I believe that the top two things our members want are more jobs and better skills, and we’ll be directing our efforts and activities toward supporting those needs. Keep an eye on your email (don’t forget your spam folder) and on our Facebook page (Editors in the Maritimes) for announcements regarding lunch meetings and other goings-on. We normally take a summer hiatus, but this has been an exceptional year, to say the least.