• We extend a warm welcome to our newest member, Catharine Lailson, in Halifax.
• Registration is now open for the Editors Canada 2021 national conference, Editors 21: Editors Transform, scheduled for June 12 & 13. This is Editors Canada’s first all-online conference.
• On Saturday, February 27, 11:00 am, we’ll be hosting a presentation by Raya Morrison in the Zoom room. Raya will be talking to us about editing digital content for reader accessibility. She is co-chair of Editors Toronto and editor-in-chief of Blood & Bourbon Press. Those members interested in attending can receive the link by emailing the twig at novascotia.twig@editors.ca.
• Hone your skills with Editors Canada’s latest webinar, Beyond STEM: Academic Editing in Social Sciences, Humanities and Education, with Letitia Henville, Saturday, March 6 at 2:00 pm.
• Saturday, March 27 we are planning an in-house discussion of culturally sensitive editing for authors writing about Indigenous peoples, led by Candida Hadley and Anne Curry. Please bring your questions from March’s discussion to April’s chat, which will be led by fellow twig member Kaitlin Littlechild. These questions will guide the discussion. Kaitlin is a member of Editors Canada and is located in Moncton.
The Vine for Thursday, March 4 (8:00 pm) and Saturday, March 6 (2:00 pm) will be a panel discussion on workflow or time management.
Visit the members’ area of the Editors Canada website for the schedule of upcoming meetings. If you would like to be added to the Vine’s participant list to receive login details for meetings, or if you’d just like more information, please email the Vine moderators, Nicola Aquino and Lenore Hietkamp.
Let us know your thoughts and ideas. Contributions are welcome. Shoot us an email any time at novascotia.twig@editors.ca. Keep an eye on your email (be sure to check your spam folder) and on our Facebook page, Editors in the Maritimes, for announcements regarding lunches, meetings and other goings-on.
Engage in conversation on the Facebook pages Editors’ Association of Earth and Business + Professional Development for Editors, as well as Editors/Réviseurs Canada and Editors Canada Student Affiliates.
Keep in the loop on the latest national news by subscribing to The Editors’ Weekly, Editors Canada’s official blog.