Twig Talk – April 2021


  • Update on Editors Canada server issues. As a consequence of this, we’ve set up a new twig email address:
  • Registration is open for the Editors Canada 2021 national conference, Editors 21: Editors Transform, scheduled for June 12 & 13. This is Editors Canada’s first all-online conference. Check out the exciting line-up.
  • Editors Canada announced their new Equity Fellowship to be awarded annually to support editors, including those who are BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and people of colour), 2SLGBTQIA+, neurodiverse and disabled.


  • The Wolfville Editors’ Bunch met April 13.
  • On Saturday, April 10, we held our AGM. Minutes of the meeting can be found here.
  • On Saturday, April 24 we hosted a presentation by Kaitlin Littlechild on Indigenous terminology. That Zoom recording is available to members on request by emailing


  • On Saturday, May 8 we’ll be having an informal editors’ lunch for all members at 12:00 pm via Zoom.
  • The next Wolfville Editors’ Bunch lunch will be on Tuesday, May 18 at 12:00 pm via Zoom.
  • On Saturday, May 29, we’ll be hosting a presentation by Virginia McGowan on mentoring. Details will be available soon.


  • Hone your skills with Editors Canada’s webinars; there are four new ones coming up in May. Check them out here.


LET US KNOW YOUR THOUGHTS AND IDEAS. Contributions are welcome. Shoot us an email any time at our new address, Keep an eye on your email (be sure to check your spam folder) and on our Facebook page, Editors in the Maritimes, for announcements regarding lunches, meetings and other goings-on.

Engage in conversation on the Facebook pages Editors’ Association of Earth and Business + Professional Development for Editors, as well as Editors/Réviseurs Canada and Editors Canada Student Affiliates. Keep in the loop on the latest national news by subscribing to The Editors’ Weekly, Editors Canada’s official blog.