While I specialize in genre fiction, I have experience working with fiction of many genres, from video game transcripts to romance novels to legal fiction. I love both short stories and long-form fiction, and I offer professional beta reading, substantive editing, stylistic editing, and copyediting. I do not edit horror.
When I meet a potential client, I take time to get to know the writer and the project to make sure that I am the best editor for the job. I have a phone or video call with any new client to learn about their manuscript and their hopes for its future, and I explain how my editing process works so everyone is on the same page.
Language is not neutral, and its editors should not be, either. As an editor, I value and edit content about characters and by writers of all sexualities, gender identities, and cultures. I affirm and support diversity and representation in literature, and I edit under the principles of care, inclusivity, and conscious language.