Talk to me about writing feature articles, web or other media content, marketing and communication materials, scripts for company videos or podcasts. Editing? Yes, please. Books. Corporate communication materials. Online or print periodicals. Online or print marketing collateral. Structural, copy and stylistic editing, proofreading. I’m on it.

Jennifer MacLeod
I write. I edit. I love doing both, and have been earning my keep this way for four decades. I was a full-time magazine editor and maintained a freelance writing and editing business through the 80s and 90s. I moved into corporate marketing communications and then internal employee communications, first in manufacturing and then, for 18 years, in the oilfield services industry. Currently, I'm a freelance writer/editor based in Lunenburg, NS, with clients in Norway, India, Canada and Britain.

Please contact editors directly for information about services, availability, and rates.
This directory provides information only about the members of Editors Atlantic who have asked to be listed. Individual profiles have been provided by the editors.
Editors Atlantic and Editors Canada do not vet the profiles and do not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained in the directory.
Editing is not a regulated sector in Canada. As such, neither Editors Atlantic nor Editors Canada can be held responsible for the quality of work of any editor listed in the directory.