I edit government, legal, and financial information to make it clear to readers with no expertise in these areas. I have even edited government legal and financial information as well as policies and bylaws to make them easier to use. I get to know the readers, and find out what they need from a piece of writing. I also train people to edit legal or technical information to make it clear for non-expert readers—citizens, clients, investors, end-users, and consumers.

Nicole Watkins-Campbell
I'm a freelance editor and plain language consultant and I train people to edit for plain language. This work can transform the relationship between an organization and its clients and stakeholders. Knowing reader and meeting their needs is key to successful writing. Effective communication is built on this knowledge.
Please contact editors directly for information about services, availability, and rates.
This directory provides information only about the members of Editors Atlantic who have asked to be listed. Individual profiles have been provided by the editors.
Editors Atlantic and Editors Canada do not vet the profiles and do not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained in the directory.
Editing is not a regulated sector in Canada. As such, neither Editors Atlantic nor Editors Canada can be held responsible for the quality of work of any editor listed in the directory.